Practice Charter

  • The confidentiality of patient medical records is maintained at the highest level at all times. Your records will not be shared with a third party without your consent. You have the right to see your health records, subject to the limitations in the law.
  • The Practice keeps computerised medical records. These records are covered by the Data Protection Act.
  • You will have rapid access to a Doctor in case of an emergency.
  • Keep your appointment or cancel it, do not waste it.
  • We run an appointment system in this Practice. You should not wait more than 30 minutes without receiving an explanation for the delay.
  • Please ask for a home visit by the Doctor only when the patient is too ill to visit the surgery.
  • Please request your prescription in good time — this will help avoid delays.
  • If you experience severe chest pain that you think might be a heart attack, call 999 and ask for an ambulance.
  • Out-of-hours cover, when the surgery is closed, is for URGENT medical conditions only.
  • Please let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number. To maintain confidentiality and provide the best possible service, it is important that we have the correct details.
  • Please treat the Doctors and their staff as you would expect to be treated by them — with politeness and respect.