Learning Disability Annual Health Checks

An Annual Health Check is a yearly check-up at the doctor's surgery.

Having a health check every year with the doctor can help you find out if you have any health problems you need help with.

It is a good way of helping you to stay healthy.

The Annual Health Check involves coming to the GP Surgery and a doctor or nurse checking things about your health.

It is a good time for you to talk about anything that is worrying you.

If you would like to learn more about what happens at an Annual Health Check you can watch a film about Annual Health Checks.

We will contact you every year to book your Annual Health Check if you are on our Learning Disability Register.

If you aren't on a Learning Disability Register and would like to join it, please contact us.

Your Annual Health Check

Please make sure that you bring a urine (wee) sample to the appointment. A pot for your sample can be collected at the Surgery Reception Desk.

If you have a Yellow Health Book please bring this to your appointment.

If you do not have a Yellow Health Book and would like one, please complete this form.

Useful Things for Your Healthcare

Visit Dorset Healthcare for resources and information about your healthcare.

Visit the website